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1. The quality and safety of trace element feed additives are related to the health of all human beings.

The company's aim is to strive for the health of the people of the world for life.

The company is a manufacturer of feed trace elements. It is well known that trace elements are non-renewable scarce resources. They are essential nutrients for the maintenance of human and animal health and growth. They are involved in almost all physiological and biochemical activities of humans and animals. , immune function, reproductive performance, etc. have an impact, in addition to meeting the basic nutritional needs of animals and other functional needs, trace elements can also affect the absorption and utilization of other nutrients, thereby affecting human health and environmental safety, correct choice and effective The use of trace elements is of great significance for improving animal welfare, promoting human health, and creating natural harmony.

Feed safety problems caused by the application of trace element additives are:

1. The content of toxic metal impurities in the additive product is high, which does not meet the hygiene standard requirements of the feed additive product, thereby causing poisoning;

Second, excessive use of trace element additives may also harm animal health and reduce its production performance. In severe cases, it may cause poisoning or even death;

Third, the problem of environmental pollution caused by excess trace elements in animal waste.

Therefore, the scientific breeding concept advocated by the company is: “less added, more absorption, less emissions.” Improve the scientific and technological level in the field of trace elements, promote the sustainable development of industrial sustainability, aim to enhance the exchange and learning of the industry, spread the nutritional value of trace elements, Advocate new technologies for trace elements and provide a convenient platform for docking resources inside and outside the industry. We have a long way to go.


2. Dangerous waste disposal and resource regeneration are related to national economy and people's livelihood

Solid waste treatment, whether global or China, is the most difficult in environmental protection and the highest valuation in the environmental protection field. From the development history of the solid waste industry, it has undergone the decentralized treatment of solid waste, and has reached the stage of centralized treatment. Now it has entered the stage of harmless treatment, and the treatment rate of harmless treatment has been greatly improved. An important period of opportunity and development.

The effective metal elements in metallurgical wastes are separated and extracted by high-tech means to form trace element additives and metallurgical renewable resources in the agricultural animal husbandry industry, and further obtain the extension of added value of upstream and downstream enterprises.

According to statistics, the annual production of metallurgical solid waste in China is about 430 million tons, and the comprehensive utilization rate is only 18.03%. With the development of the times, the output of metallurgical solid waste has increased rapidly, while the stacking and disposal sites have been decreasing and the disposal costs have been increasing. Inadequate disposal of hazardous waste can cause serious pollution to the atmosphere, water and soil, exacerbate the deterioration of the environment and endanger human health. On the other hand, due to the gradual reduction of natural resources on a global scale, it is necessary to pay attention to the recycling of solid waste and increase the material wealth of society.

Therefore, the disposal and utilization of solid waste has become an urgent problem to be solved in environmental science, and it is also a social responsibility that we must shoulder.

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